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Sceneries posted by those who came later

2023 明信片、文本、網路平台、裝置
Postcard, text, online platform, installation

展出地點|C01 綠洲山莊 八卦樓+園區外展場 富岡漁港登船步道

Exhibition location|Oasis Villa - Bagua Building + Exhibition Site ouside the Memorial Park - Fugang Fishery Harbour Path way




We are those that came here later. There used to be people standing here amidst this vast ocean. The sceneries might appear to be the same but not quite. The only thing that is the same is the action of "seeing." What is the motivation behind the desire to “see"? How should one seek in order to approach the body of that somoone who once pressed the shutter? This process of matching might be the beginning of someone piecing together again his or her self-identity in the boundless environment.

The subject of this matching process is the photographs taken by CHEN Meng-He when he was imprisoned on Green Island. After his passing (2017), those who came later to the island with digital cameras and smartphones remembered what Chen used to say, "I hope to re-shoot the photos I once took." The brightness and darkness of the sea and the wildness and stillness of its waves constituted moments in Chen's life - someone who used to live in mainland Taiwan - on Green Island. These moments, however, were only social and political blankness to those who came later.

This project reproduces the photographs as postcards in a large quantity, and offers the audience who come to the island after the images were made so that they can mail the scenery postcards from Green Island back to mainland Taiwan. Their postcards could be sharing of their trips, delivering messages, or time-transcending family letters that Chen was unable to mail back home. It is hoped that the movement of the sceneries could expand into complicated, diverse matching and dialogues.

CHEN Meng-He, Those Who Came Later, Liu Chi-Tung



This project is a collaboration that crosses multiple generations and an ensemble of multiple productions.

It originates from a group of photos featuring the sceneries of Green Island, taken by an inmate-photographer at the New Life Correction Center - CHEN Meng- He, who formed a photography crew for Green Island Township Chronicle while serving his sentence (1952-1967). Then, those who came from mainland Taiwan to Green Island brought this group of old photos and wanted to re-photograph the sceneries documented from a long time ago as if they were playing a game of treasure hunt on the strange island (2017-). Later, artist LIU Chi-Tung joins the collaboration and responds to the scenery photos with writing (2023), attempting to initiate a dialogue with more that are to come later, and develops the structure of this project involving sending scenery postcards from Green Island to mainland Taiwan.

Photograph by TSAI Mei-Chuan and others

CHEN Meng-He photograph files provided by LIN Chuan-Kai