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Building Another New Guesthouse

Three men were arguing fiercely in a breakfast shop.

Uncle Shou: "Has the labor wage gone up again this year?"

Old Chen: "Are you planning to build another new guesthouse soon?"

Boss: "Oh my god, the whole island is turning into a construction site! The people from the main island of Taiwan don't come to see you guys build houses!"

Uncle Shou: "They love to choose new houses. If there are no new ones being built, will they stay here?"

Boss: "Green Island's attraction lies in its natural scenery. People come here to enjoy it. But now, everywhere they go, it's just your scaffolding!"

Uncle Shou is a guesthouse operator in his forties. Over the years, he has bought land, built guesthouses, and rented them out to other operators. For him, this is the only way to make money, so that when his children grow up and attend high school in Taitung, he will have enough money to buy a house in the city for them to live in. Moreover, his parents often have to go to the big hospital in Taitung in recent years, so it would be great if he could find a suitable house as soon as possible. After breakfast, he will take his parents to Nan-liao Fishing Harbor to catch a boat, and then go to the hospital for a check-up in the afternoon.

Old Chen is a construction worker in his seventies. When he was young, there weren't many job opportunities on the island, so he worked in Chenggong, Taitung for a long time. Ten years ago, when the construction projects on Green Island increased, he took the opportunity to return to his hometown and live with his mother. As long as he is willing to work, he will never run out of money to earn. The trend of building guesthouses has made the island in great need of workers. Sometimes he can't even refuse a job.

To the elderly owner of the breakfast shop, when he was young, the whole village was like a big family, everyone helped each other out when someone wanted to build a house by going to the seaside to gather coral stones. Times have changed, and now everyone is competing for land, but in the end, it's still their own people who need to live there. He really can't bear to see this.

Two regular divers, Ken and Jim, sat in the corner of the breakfast shop, chewing on their breakfast while eavesdropping on the locals' debate. Over the years, they have stayed in both new and old guesthouses, but have not found a place they really liked. Ken looked at the landscape postcards on the wall, one black and white, one color, and the houses in the photos were obviously taken in different eras.

Ken: "The old stone houses were so beautiful, but the new houses are so ugly. I really want to stay in a guesthouse that is built from an old house like that!"

Jim: "Those houses are very primitive and dirty. There might also be many worms. I don't want to stay there."

Ken: "The primitive atmosphere is what makes it unique! Look at the guesthouse we are staying in this time. Is there any difference from the houses in the south?”

Jim: "But this guesthouse is very clean! Do you usually want to stay in a three-section compound? Why do you want to stay in a stone house here?"

Ken: "Because this is Green Island!”

Ken looks forward to the diverse scenery and nostalgic appearance of the primitive settlements on the island, satisfying the desire of outsiders to consume local culture. Jim, on the other hand, expects a clean and hygienic room, and an architectural form that is free from culture and context is acceptable, based on the basic consumption standards of modern people. The people from the main island of Taiwan debate how Green Island's guesthouses can meet their expectations for tourism, but their divergent imaginations seem unrealistic, and there is no consistent and ideal conclusion.

However, no matter what, since the day the first prison was built, Green Island has been constantly changing in response to the demands of the main island. It started as a natural prison island and has now become a paradise for tourism. At this moment, all the construction workers on the island have already opened their eyes, had breakfast, and are preparing to work under the scorching sun, continuing to build another new guesthouse.


"Sceneries Posted by Those Who Came Later" is exhibited at the 2023 Green Island Human Rights Arts Festival, "Listening to the Echoes of the Cracks".  There are five groups of photos and stories. Below is the link to the story——

那座到不了的島〉That Unreachable Island

背上有字的石頭〉A Rock with Lettering on Its Back

大浪襲來的五分鐘〉Five Minutes when the Big Waves Stroke

再蓋一棟新民宿〉Building Another New Guesthouse

照片裡看不見的虱目魚苗〉Unseen Milkfish Fry in the Photo