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The Unreachable Island

The young mother runs hard in the wilderness, sweating in the cold winter. In an instant, the wind blows and the waves come. Beside the port, the mother is repeatedly begging the boatman to ferry her to Green Island. She finally has the opportunity to visit her husband, and she refuses to return in vain. The boatman says, "It’s impossible to go to sea now! Go back soon! Do not make jokes!"

The father gets off the boat, and they laugh happily. The next scene shifts from the bright port to the dimly lit room at night, where the mother weeps alone for the silent departure of her youth. She regrets not desperately crossing the sea when she was young. She blames herself for not making it to the island to cuddle with the father, and not carrying the pledge of love with her body to bring back to nurture.

The elderly mother rides an electric scooter from Pingtung to Taitung on the South Link Highway. She drives a car, trying to get her mother in to avoid accidents, but she could not get close. As she drives forwards, her mother keeps on going as well. All the cars on the road subtly dodge her mother. Despite the flashing warning lights, they quickly move ahead without causing any trouble.


She wakes up and looks around. The light from the street lamp outside the window reassures her, confirming that what she just saw was only a dream. She goes to the kitchen and pours a glass of water to drink. She recalls that her high school teacher once recommended her to attend a summer camp on Green Island. When she came home and told her mother, her mother was stunned for a while, then saying indifferently, "You could go anywhere but Green Island. There's nothing to see there." She was sulking with her mother all week, but still couldn't talk her into it, so she had to give up the opportunity to others at last.

Thinking of it, she decides to take her to Green Island as soon as possible, before her mother is reincarnated. She carries her mother in a backpack and takes the train. When she is about to step on the deck, she realizes that she forgets to bring seasickness pills.

The ship sets sail. Every time a big wave hits, she laughs happily with other tourists, as if they were riding a pirate ship leading them to the sea paradise. Soon, the joyful laughter on the pirate ship fades away. Feeling a heat in her throat, she instantly picks up the plastic bag next to the seat and holds it tightly in her hands.

She remembers her father saying that they all kept throwing up. A body was born on land, and used to walk on two feet. Suddenly, it enters the stormy ocean. Unable to focus in the darkness, everything inside is churned up and poured out. Until the body becomes an empty shell with no memories. Until the body forgets about walking on land again.


"Sceneries Posted by Those Who Came Later" is exhibited at the 2023 Green Island Human Rights Arts Festival, "Listening to the Echoes of the Cracks".  There are five groups of photos and stories. Below is the link to the story——

那座到不了的島〉That Unreachable Island

背上有字的石頭〉A Rock with Lettering on Its Back

大浪襲來的五分鐘〉Five Minutes when the Big Waves Stroke

再蓋一棟新民宿〉Building Another New Guesthouse

照片裡看不見的虱目魚苗〉Unseen Milkfish Fry in the Photo